I have learnt classical guitar for four years since I was in Secondary 3. When I decided to learn guitar, I did not know how to classify electric guitar, acoustic guitar and classical guitar. I went to the nearest music shop and joined a summer class. However it was not the guitar I wanted to learn. I need to play music in classical but what I actually want to learn was how to play pop songs!
electric guitar
classical guitar
acoustic guitar
Luckily, the skills of classical guitar can also used on other type of guitar. So I started to learn acoustic guitar on my own.
In Secondary 4, I started to be a fanatic of band sound. I hope to join a band one day till now.
And I got a chance from my friend in last month.
Last Sunday, I went to her teacher's studio and learned some skills on band, including some technique skills and the play the song together. Teacher was funny and he has very deep knowledge on all instruments.
We have played this song together smoothly.
Apart from the leaning in classical guitar, I found a totally different way when I face to music. Unlike a teacher sitting there and teach you how to play every note, these kinds of practice make me feel so well.
I hope the next training come faster.
I love music too!!! I love Korean pop. Do you like it?
回覆刪除Oops sorry I don't like Korean pop too much but some of the Korean band did quite well. :)
刪除Beyond is a legendary band of Hong Kong!! All of their songs are sooooo great!
回覆刪除Yeah!!! They can represent Hong Kong!!!